Hello everyone, it feels like the last time I posted was forever ago! Mostly because it has been. Anyway, since this is my first post in quite a while I figure I should cover one of my favorite creators and a newly updated generator of theirs. Before I get into the details, this post is brought to you by Humble Bundle which is an amazing platform that I have personally used in order to get great games at a reasonable price and also contribute to charity! I was very excited when I logged back into my itch.io account and saw that watabou had recently updated Medieval Fantasy City Generator! If you are unfamiliar with this application is is exactly what the title says. This really is a great tool for creators to conjure up fantastic medieval style cities with tons of features. I have followed watabou for quite sometime and I have covered quite a few of his other generators and they are also worth checking out. I will include some examples of cities that I have created: Not all citie...