
Showing posts with the label Browser Game

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Cof, The Musical Recruit.

I am not sure why I have not thought of this before, but I have decided it would be pretty fun if I shared some stories that I generate on AI Dungeon. I hope the stories do not get too whacky, maybe I will do some interesting stuff with some generators that I am so fond of. If I like this, I will make this an ongoing thing! Thanks to Watabou for making these generators, they really help me make an immersive setting. Your name is Lugg,   a shop keep in the small boarder town of Stone Hayes.   The year is 1243, and there was recently a civil war  that is still ongoing between the neighboring two cities to the left and right of Stone Hayes, Guilver and Flowerbell. The civil war was caused by the Guilvean government’s oppression of the Flower-Lites. There has been a call to arms of citizens of both cities. Being a boarder town, Stone Hayes’s citizens must decide quickly which side they are to join.     You have been working at your trade...

Hope that this cures boredom!

So, here's yet another generator to get things started... you outdone yourself this time (as usual)! Village Generator by watabou This is a very fun browser game that is also mobile compatible! Pixel Sword Toss by LVGames Additionally, if you want to learn game making while at home, give this a try! Takes less code than most engines. Pixelbox by Cedric Stoquer

Winter Trees

Here I go again sharing another generator. This developer makes the best quality stuff in quantity as well, I have used his generators for my game and also just for fun! Winter Trees by watabou

Game Jam Recap: Medieval Times Game Jam

This game jam had a fair amount of submissions, six! So, I'll include all of them here: Dungeon of the Mad Mage by rafaelcnagy, syrem The Ship on Wheels Episode One by Bozon Minotaur Maze by arthursheos Oberlon: Trading Sim by Tyler Holloway Dice 1000 online by Alexandr Shvab Medieval Times idea/research by Arcus This last one is not a game per say, but it does provide some excellent facts, research and ideas.

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