
Featured Post

The Promised Big Post (part 1)!

Hay un punto en el que creó es publicaciones en las que esto solo se vuelve divertido y no solo una tarea que se tiene que hacer. De todos modos, esta será la primera parte de mi gran publicación para poder ponerme en marcha y hacer que publique con más frecuencia. Esta publicación contendrá cuatro juegos como mínimo, a menos que quiera incluir más (lo cual existe una gran posibilidad de que eso ocurra). El primer juego que publicaré es accesible en tu navegador. El juego está en español, pero eso no significa que no sea divertido, además, ¡se supone que mi blog es un refugio seguro para todos los jugadores! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This next game may induce motion sickness and  may require a fairly decent computer to run. Despite this, I found this game very enjoyable. Here is the trailer: P.s, this game may be a bit scary for very little kids. -----------------------------------

Expect a Huge Post Today.

As I attempt to launch myself back in the grove of four to five posts a month (hopefully more), I am going to be going through my feed. This will most likely be segmented into multiple parts.

Check Out my New Game Jam


Drive to Vote - Free Online Browser Based HTML5 Game

Drive to Vote - Free Online Browser Based HTML5 Game : Men vs Women? Drive to Vote. Fun and simple game where your performance directly influences your chosen demographic.

The end of my game jam.

I would absolutely hope for more then one submission on any of my game jams. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. When this does not happen, I look for quality of games over the quantity of games. My recent game jam is an example of one of my game jams that received one QUALITY submission. Some highlights of this game are it's music and art style.

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