
Featured Post

Cipher's Room Inside Look

Cipher's Room has been a passion project of mine for the past few months, and its getting close to the release so I figured I would share some screenshots of what the game's going to look like. Here's a link to the demo:  Cipher's Room Demo

Musical... Weapons?

Yes, I said musical weapons not musical chairs. This game is pretty fun to play, this game is still in development so there may be bugs. Even if there are a few bugs this game is still fun to play.

Tyler's Introduction

Hi everyone! My names Tyler and I am a game and web developer as well as a designer. I will be posting on here from time to time on games and assets that I find interesting as well as my personal projects. Anthony added me to the blog to help out with finding games to post and to keep you updated on whats going on with games like Cipher's Room and Oberlon: Trading Simulator.

Another game jam submission.

If you follow this blog closely, you may realize that some of my favorite "Games" are not games at all, at least in the way commonly thought. Arcus had trouble creating a game due to technical glitches, although he still provided his ideas and research. I appreciate the effort put forth and this looked like it had the likes of a great game!


So, The creator of this game is now on board to contribute for this blog! So, expect more posts and more games.P.S, this game has also been updated so hooray!

Remember this?

Remember this city generator: ? Well, a new update for it was release that gives it integration with a similar generator: 

My friend Tyler is such a good game developer.

Another good one from my game jam.  Although this game was originally made for IOS, it still is pretty fun to play. The controls can be a little unstable, but like I said, this game was originally made as an IOS game. Tyler told me that he plans on adding more content to the game by the end of the game jam in 13 days. You can count on me to keep you updated as the game gets reworked a bit. I do encourage you guys to support the developer as we always should. Thanks guys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The game is up there not down here! Down here is just a link to donate to my blog, this is a lot to keep up with.

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