
Showing posts from June, 2019

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Drive to Vote - Free Online Browser Based HTML5 Game

Drive to Vote - Free Online Browser Based HTML5 Game : Men vs Women? Drive to Vote. Fun and simple game where your performance directly influences your chosen demographic.

The end of my game jam.

I would absolutely hope for more then one submission on any of my game jams. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. When this does not happen, I look for quality of games over the quantity of games. My recent game jam is an example of one of my game jams that received one QUALITY submission. Some highlights of this game are it's music and art style.

Somebody messaged me with some free games to try out, and i'm pumped.

I am really glad somebody understood that this blog is a great place to promote their games. I recently had received an email from Gabriel Bakker about some games he had developed. The games were great as far as I am concerned. The games are physics based puzzle games, and what I found really neat is that momentum is a huge aspect in the games. Here are the links: BEFORE YOU PLAY KEEP IN MIND THAT GOOGLE CHROME MAY NOT WORK TOO WELL. Stay tuned for the post on the third game developed by this developer, "Balloon Ride" The game will receive a separate post as it is seemingly very unique when compared to the previously mentioned games.

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